You have probably heard it a lot in your life, from parents, friends or even online, that exercising is very good for you, but just waved it off. It is true. It can also help with mental health and even boost your gaming skills!
We will skip the part we say it is important for your health (lowers the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes ) exercising causes the body to make chemicals that can help one feel good, it helps people with depression and helps sleep better.
Many reasons people are afraid to go to the gym is because of low-confidence, which involves being scared to do workouts wrong and look funny. But this should not be a problem. Also, if you are feeling more comfortable working out alone, you can purchase dumbbells, look at Youtube for some working out guides and start working out at home, which is what everyone is doing at the moment anyway because of the pandemic.
To All The Gamers Out There
If you are a gamer, we have some good news. Exercising will boost your performance on video games according to a study where 20 gamers played League of Legends on 2 separate days. On the first day, they had an intense cardio workout, and then they played, and on the second day, they rested and then played the game.
On the first day, the players did better and their accuracy was on-point. Why? Short bouts of exercise have been shown to help boost your brain functions.
Word From A Gamer
We asked Yair Dabush, a successful gaming Youtuber who works out 3 times a week, about how exercising affects his life
– I have been gaming all my life, and also had suffered from anxiety throughout most of my life. I have been told that exercising can help with the anxiety, so I gave it a shout around a year ago and since then I’m hooked. Exercising definitely helped me with anxiety, After doing some research, I found out exercising raises your serotonin levels which boosts your mood and overall sense of well-being.
– Not only it helped me with anxiety, After a few months, I realized working out helps with my aim on first person shooter games, always after I worked out my scores were way better than before helping me rank higher in CS:GO.
– I’m glad I have decided to start exercising a year ago, it definitely changed my life for the better, both in my personal life and gaming.
The Atypical View of Gamers
We always hear about how gaming is bad for your health because you spend most of the day sitting on a chair in front of a computer, but it should not be that way. 72% of men and 49% of women at the age of 18-29 play video games, so raising the importance of exercising especially among gamers should be a priority.