Remote work is far more popular but this can be used to get into great health or allow your health to devolve. Working from home can create health issues if you retain a sedentary lifestyle. Substance abuse can also be a huge problem as you might be able to do your job after a couple of drinks. Signing in online with a hangover is far easier than commuting and having to deal with coworkers face-to-face. Getting into the best shape of your life with the extra time you have is very wise as your physical health also impacts your mental health. Mental health should also be a priority as you might be isolated for much of the day and have to be proactive about changing this. These issues along with other remedies will be discussed below.
Hand Problems From Constantly Typing
Hand issues are common among those that sit and type for extended periods of time. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common ailment among those that sit behind a computer for a large portion of their lives. You might need to find a hand surgeon at some point due to the issues. You always want to be dexterous as you can be very limited in what you can do if your hands only work at a partial capacity.
Issues With Isolation
You can literally not see another human being besides a delivery person for months if you choose to do so. This is not healthy as being social even when you do not want to be is important. The interactions you might have had in the workplace could have satisfied your social quota for the day. This just is not the same in a remote role as instant messaging can be monitored by an employer. Make a point of heading out of the home to do something whether it is indulging in a hobby with friends or even head to a few places you have wanted to visit for a while. Weekly plans with friends can help fill a social calendar along with help generate ideas you might not have thought of.
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse can get out of control quickly with a remote job. If you are extremely proficient at your job, you likely have a few free hours a day unless overloaded with work. Maintaining productivity is important in a remote role and consistent substance abuse can lead to a job that was quite easier becoming more difficult. The only thing worse than an addiction you form during a remote job is losing that job but still having to deal with your addiction. Unemployment and addiction are a recipe for financial ruin so refrain from substance abuse due to boredom and spend your money entertaining yourself.
Getting Out Of Shape Due To Diet And Sedentary Lifestyle
Hitting the gym is not for everyone as commercial gyms have become a cesspool of social media posts. The hours of operation and crowds can also become an issue for those trying to get their workout done in a specific manner. Purchasing home fitness equipment can be a great option if you have a room in your home or on your property. A detached garage that protects the equipment from the elements can allow you to get early workouts done without waking anybody in the home.
Do not allow remote work to ruin your health but rather use it as an opportunity to get healthier. You can transform yourself in a few months of consistent exercise and lifestyle improvements.